BUNDLE # 5: Questionnaire # 2. Tools 4 Administrative War, Operation & Methods (a PDF to fill + a Guide)
BUNDLE # 4: Questionnaire # 1. Tools 4 Targeted Individuals (a PDF to fill with tick boxes & drop down menus) & a Guide (2 copies of each)
BUNDLE # 3. Booklet A. Template 2 Write Chronological Facts Based Report (OpenOffice/Libre Office) + 2 PDF
DOSSIER # 2. Questionnaire # 1. Trousse pour Victimes de Harcèlement en Réseau (PDF à remplir) & Guide
DOSSIER # 1. Livret A. Cahier d'écriture préformaté pour structurer la narration (Modèle en PDF & Gabarit OpenOffice/Libre Office)
Tribute to Christian Pauchard, Rocket-Probe Engineer in Kourou Guiana Space Center (Author Jocelyne Pauchard)
Rebuttal 4: Invalidity of the Conclusions Drawn by CBC/the-5th-Estate/Geoff Leo on Buffy Sainte Marie Birth Certificate