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BUNDLE # 3. Booklet A. Template 2 Write Chronological Facts Based Report (OpenOffice/Libre Office) + 2 PDF

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BUNDLE # 3. Booklet A. Template 2 Write Chronological Facts Based Report (OpenOffice/Libre Office) + 2 PDF


When Targeted Individuals are starting to narrate the story of their targeting, they are often overwhelmed by the number of facts and the number of their life’s areas that have been impacted by this targeting. The present document is a tutorial meant to explaining how to pick and choose the relevant elements in the writing of your report.

Data reorganization led to their regrouping under ten (10) major themes:

1. Your Experience: an Overview

2. Two Major Keys (Childhood & Mind Control Programming)

3. Adulthood: Family Planning & Building

4. Your Activities

5. Your Career Development & Professional life

6. Control (Hijacking) of your Socio-Economic Environment

7. Administrative Warfare

8. Attacks against the Integrity of the Person

9. Re-framing, Rewriting, Denial of Help by Professionals

10. Denial of Help by other Professionals or Relevant others

5. Dr Jocelyne Pauchard developed a new section (# XVI) that was originally part of theme 7,

“Administrative Warfare”, in JPQ's. As its length developed, Dr Pauchard decided to produce a separate questionnaire under the following name “Questionnaire # 2, Section XVI, Administrative Warfare, Operation and Methods (AWOM)”.

Dr. Jocelyne Pauchard is not a lawyer and those documents are not meant to replace any legal advices (if necessary, consult a lawyer). Rather they are meant to help TI’s to prepare for their interview with a lawyer, by sorting out the facts in a meaningful way. She is a well-trained PhD with a core expertise in the Analysis of Texts through the study of Storytelling, Categorization, Narrative Studies and Speech Analysis.

Dr. Jocelyne Pauchard makes these materials available free of charge for the benefit of people who are victims of network stalking, as the economic resources of these people are one of the first things attacked by stalkers. However, we encourage users who can afford it to pay a fair price according to their means.

Here is how to evaluate things: If you have to choose between basic food and paying for these documents, then you don't pay. On the other hand, if you have to choose between going to the movies or going to Starbuck's or MacDonald's (for example) and buying this product, then you should pay for these documents and opt for a cheaper way to get your coffee for a while (buy instant coffee to make at home for example)...

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